Treasure chest – Part 1

Through the years, different techniques to storage configuration settings for applications got established. We can choose between database, property files, XML or YAML, just to give a few impressions of the options we could choose from. But before we jumping into all technical details of a possible implementation, we need to get a bit familiar of some requirements.

Many times in my professional life I touched this topic. Problems occur periodically after an application was updated. My peak of frustration, I reached with Windows 10. After every major update many settings for security and privacy switched back to default, apps I already uninstalled messed up my system again and so on. This was reasons for me to chose an alternative to stop suffering. Now after I switched to Ubuntu Mate I’m fine, because those problems got disappear.

Several times I also had to maintain legacy projects and needed to migrate data to newer versions. A difficult and complex procedure. Because of those activities I questioned myself how this problem could handled in a proper way. My answer you can find in the open source project TP-CORE. The feature application configuration is my way how to avoid the effect of overwriting important configuration entries during the update procedure.

TP-CORE is a free available library with some useful functionality written in Java. The source code is available on GitHub and the binaries are published on Maven Central. To use TP-CORE in your project you can add it as dependency.


The feature of application configuration is implemented as ConfigurationDAO and use a database. My decision for a database approach was driven by the requirement of having a history. Off course the choice have also some limitations. Obviously has the configuration for the database connection needed to be stored somewhere else.

TP-CORE use Spring and Hibernate (JPA) to support several DBMS like PostgreSQL, Oracle or MariaDB. My personal preference is to use PostgreSQL, so we can as next step discuss how to setup our database environment. The easiest way running a PostgreSQL Server is to use the official Docker image. If you need a brief overview how to deal with Docker and PostgreSQL may you like to check my article: Learn to walk with Docker and PostgreSQL. Below is a short listing how the PostgreSQL container could get instantiated in Docker.

docker network create -d bridge –subnet= services

docker run -d –name postgres \
-p 5432:5432 –net services –ip \
-e PGPASSWORD=password \
-v /home/<user>/postgreSQL:/var/lib/postgresql/data \

May you need to make some changes on the listing above to fit it for your system. After your DBMS is running well we have to create the schemata and the user with a proper password. In our case the schema is called together. the user is also called together and the password will be together too.

  ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'md582721599778493074c7de7e2bb735332'

  WITH OWNER = together
       ENCODING = 'UTF8'
       TABLESPACE = pg_default
       LC_COLLATE = 'en_US.utf8'
       LC_CTYPE = 'en_US.utf8'

To establish the connection from your application to the PostgreSQL DBMS we use a XML configuration from the Spring Framework. The GitHub repository of TP-CORE contains already a working configuration file called spring-dao.xml. The Spring configuration includes some other useful features like transactions and a connection pool. All necessary dependencies are already included. You just need to replace the correct entries for the connection variables:

  • ${jdbc.user} = together
  • ${jdbc.password} = togehter
  • ${hibernate.dialect.database} = org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQL95Dialect
  • ${jdbc.driverClassName} = org.postgresql.Driver
  • ${jdbc.url} = jdbc:postgresql://
  • ${dbcp.initialSize} = 10
  • ${} = update
  • ${hibernate.show_sql} = false

In the next step you need to tell your application how to instanciate the Spring context, using the configuration file spring-dao.xml. Depending on your application type you have two possibilities. For a standard Java app, you can add the following line to your main method:

ApplicationContext =
   new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("/spring-dao.xml");

Web application are configured by the web.xml in the WEB-INF directory. there you need to add those lines:


The creation of the database table will managed by Hibernate during the application start. When you discover the GitHub repository of the TP-CORE project you will find in the directory /src/main/filters the file This file contains more connection strings to other database systems. In the case you wish to compile TP-CORE by your own, you can modify to your preferred configuration. The full processed configuration file with all token replacements you will find in the target directory.

In the next paragraph we will have a closer look on the Domain Object ConfigurationDO.

The most columns you see in the image above, is very clear, for what they got used. As first point we need to clarify, what makes an entry unique? Of course the UUID as primary key fits this requirement as well. In our case the UUID is the primary key and is auto generated by the application, when a new row will created. But using in an application all the time a non human readable id as key, to grab a value is heavily error prone and uncomfortable. For this use case I decided a combination of configuration keymodule name and service version to define a unique key entry.

To understand the benefit of this construction I will give a simple example. Imagine you have functionality of sending E-Mails in your application. This functionality requires several configuration entries like host, user and password to connect with an SMTP server. to group all those entries together in one bundle we have the CONFIG_SET. If your application deals with an modular architecture like micro services, it could be also helpful to organize the configuration entries by module or service name. For this reason the MODULE_NAME was also included into this data structure. Both entries can be used like name spaces to fetch relevant information more efficient.

Now it could be possible that some changes of the functionality create new configuration entries or some entries got obsolete. To enable a history and allow a backward compatibility the data structure got extended by SERVICE_VERSION.

Every entry contains a mandatory default value and an optional configuration value. The application can overwrite the default value by filling the configuration value field. This allows updates without effect the custom configuration, as long the developer respect to not fill entries for configuration values and always use the default entry. This definition is the convention over configuration paradigm.

The flags deprecated and mandatory for a configuration key are very explicit and descriptive. Also the column comment don’t need as well any further explanation.

If there are changes of one or more configuration entries for a service, the whole configuration set has to be duplicated with the new service version. As example you can have a look on the MailClient functionality of TP-CORE how the application configuration is used.

A very important information is that the configuration key is in the DBMS stored as SHA-512 hash. This is a simple protection against a direct manipulation of the configuration in the DBMS, outside of the application. For sure this is not a huge security, but minimum it makes the things a bit uncomfortable. In the application code is a human readable key name used. The mapping is automatic, and we don’t need to worry about it.


In this first part I talked about why I had need my own implementation of a application registry to storage configuration settings. The solution I prefer is using a database and I showed how enable the database configuration in your own project. Shortly we also had a view on the data structure and how the Domain Object is working.

In the second part of this article I give a introduction to the Data Access Object (DAO) and his corresponding service. With this information you are able to extend or adapt the application configuration implementation to your own needs.

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